

i've got tgif syndrome. it's almost 2 here and after looking over all the stories i've been assigned at least once, i've realized that i don't want to edit anymore, or think of nice headlines. so what do i do?

retreat to my blog. :)

anyhoo, in the life of me:
i got paid today, and not a minute too soon. i'm failing horribly at operation: you better get yourself together(status: suckage) as well as my whole plan to stem the tide of hereditary fat on my body (yeah, yeah, i'm not fat, blah blah blah ...).

after being excited yet scared about my new yoga dvd last thursday(the instructor is a lot more inspiring and less stupid than the vapid yogalates instructor, but moves hella fast), i have yet to try it again. i've also been ordering outside food (burger king last night, starbucks and cafeteria food all week), which is not good for the body or the pocketbook. and now, i'm about to splurge this weekend on girlfriend and friends.

whatever. i only live once.

on the bright side, i have been good about an extension of operation: you better get yourself together, operation: enjoy what you have, which means digging out old movies and cds that i have and truly enjoying them, rather than buying more cds and dvds. i've been rocking to mr. def and old school jill and my beloved coldplay. i think i'll be ok. the first week is always the hardest.

i've decided to not regale the adventures with my dear haiku, as this entry is already hella long, but i will leave you with this lovely topic of coversation: public bathroom etiquette.

i was at work the other day, talking to a colleague as i walked to the bathroom. it turned out we were both going to the bathroom, so we kept talking as we entere the ladies' room, which is cool, even tho i'm not one for small talk. what bothered me was that as we entered our respective stalls, she kept talking to me!

maybe i'm being anal, but i have to know someone fairly well to carry on a convo while i'm using the facilities. i mean c'mon -- bathroom time is a private time.

things to talk about
1. status update on operation: you better get yourself together
2. operation: enjoy what you have (an extension of operation: you better get yourself together)
3. matchmaker?
4. the haiku traveling adventures
5. bathroom etiquette
6. my growing caffeine dependency