
haloscan commenting and trackback have been added to this blog

so i impulsively got haloscan trackback for my blog, even tho i'm about to leave this place for greener pastures. i then realized that since i installed this, it erased all my other comments! grr.

i only did it so i could trackback other people's blogs, but again, it's kinda foolish on my part, since i'm about to leave.

work is slooooow today. it's hard trying to look productive when you have no avenue thru which to be productive. i've looked and overlooked every story in my queue. lord, please help me off of this plantation..

hmm. i'm gonna go try this trackback thingy. (hopefully) i'll be back later.

...and did i mention how i'm struggling to not drive my car to a little taste of italy tonite and getting more cream puffs? i have a problem.